See our event page on Facebook for more info.
We'll meet at The Eagle's Nest at 4:30pm for a quick time of prayer then load up the van and can you say, "Road Trip!"
At least three bands will be performing at Murray Hill that night:
Radio City Confessions (power pop)
A Jasey Project (rock/ pop/indie)
Coming This Fall (rock/alternative/pop)
NOTE: This trip is for regular attendees of NORML. It's not too late, we meet Wednesdays at 7pm. You'll need $10 for your ticket and some cash for Fast Food which we'll pick up on the way to JAX. If funds are tight see Jeff so that he can arrange to help you out.
HEY KIDS: If you are under 18, you'll need a waiver signed by a parent/guardian (you can pick one of these up on Wednesday).