Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Road Trip! - August 1st

See our event page on Facebook for more info.

We'll meet at The Eagle's Nest at 4:30pm for a quick time of prayer then load up the van and can you say, "Road Trip!"

At least three bands will be performing at Murray Hill that night:

Radio City Confessions (power pop)

A Jasey Project (rock/ pop/indie)

Coming This Fall (rock/alternative/pop)

NOTE: This trip is for regular attendees of NORML. It's not too late, we meet Wednesdays at 7pm. You'll need $10 for your ticket and some cash for Fast Food which we'll pick up on the way to JAX. If funds are tight see Jeff so that he can arrange to help you out.

HEY KIDS: If you are under 18, you'll need a waiver signed by a parent/guardian (you can pick one of these up on Wednesday).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We're growing!

freakishly tall man
NORML has been meeting for several months and has seen a variety of new faces pop in and out each Wednesday night. We are still experiencing humble beginnings -- we'd be ten people strong if we had everyone show up at one time. We have room to welcome a lot more people!

The small-group atmosphere has allowed us to grow... spiritually speaking. After a few weeks of discovering who God would send us, we quickly learned that the young adults who came only knew bits and pieces about Christianity. So we started what we like to call "Charismatic Catechism" and are three weeks into learning the basics of Christianity. We still work in a few YouTube videos every now and then to provide an example or explore a unique point of view. But most of our time together is classic teaching. Jeff reads the catechism question and answer then teaches the young adults.

One example of a catechism question was last week's:
Q. 2. What authority from God directs us how to glorify and enjoy Him?
A. The only authority for glorifying and enjoying Him is the bible, which is the word of God and is made up of the Old and New Testaments.

Sounds simple... and it is! But we learned learned a lot of other information about the Bible like how it was written, what human authors God used to write it, how it is compiled, what the Bible has to say about itself, etc.

All this knowledge is important because it empowers us to be strong in the Lord, to resist the devil, and to bring the gospel to the world around us.

Would you like to build your spiritual muscles too? We meet Wednesday evenings at 7pm at The Eagle's Nest.