+ There are many reasons God could reject us -- we’ve broken His laws and been satisfied in things instead of Him. But He doesn’t reject us! That’s good news. He adopts as sons & daughters all who come to Him (in repentance and faith).
+ While everyone in God’s family is unique, we all fit into some type of ministry or service to one another. God’s family is made up of people who serve Christ by serving others.
+ At times our lives are difficult but we have hope! We will not lose heart because Jesus has paid our sin debt so that we can freely enjoy eternity with Him in heaven.
+ Because of all God has done to accept us and give our lives meaning and hope, we have no good reason to reject Christ. The Bible is full of answers to life’s most difficult questions.
"NORML is a ministry to young people and their parents."
NORML uses the same Biblical methods as the rest of the Church (preaching, worship, prayer, & discipleship) but contextualized to a younger culture. It is an outreach to young skeptics & unbelievers, as well as a supplement to participation in a local church body for young Christians who are growing in the faith.
What makes NORML unique is that it provides opportunity for Christian adults to sincerely demonstrate extravagant love to young people! The same love Christ modeled for us on thecross. While we were sinners and our lives were messed up, Christ died for us. The Holy Spirit didn’t make us better looking, He changed our hearts. In that same way, NORML doesn’t seek to judge the appearence of young people... but is concerned with the heart. Pray God uses NORML as a tool to conform young people to the likeness of Christ!
Young people live in a variety of parental situations. While recognizing such diversity, the Bible teaches young people to honor their parents and love their neighbors. The Bible also holds parents responsible for their children. NORML encourages parents to participate and seeks mentors for children without parents.
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