WAYCROSS, GA -- NORML begins May 6th heralding the promise that all "You will not be rejected!" That promise echoes the Bible in 1 Peter 2, "As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious..." A church with a history of ministry to young adults, Norml is hosted by The Eagle's Nest. Jeff Fuller will be leading NORML. Jeff has lived in Waycross off and on since the 90's and works as truck driver for a local dairy company. "Since I was a teenage heathen", he says, "I've had a relationship with the Pastors of Eagle's Nest Church. They have the integrity to do the right thing. That type of integrity is important because it causes them to stand up to social pressure. When everyone else is against you, they stand with you!" Jeff came to Christ in 1996 while in the Air Force. When he returned home [to Waycross] he began attending The Eagle's Nest. "I was there from the very beginning. in a rented storefront on Elizabeth Street." Smiling he recalls, "And of all things they had me teaching children. I wasn't very experienced in the Bible so whatever details of the Bible stories I didn't know, I just made up!" Jeff is now schooled in theology, apologetics, and evangelism. He has preached more on streetcorners and in jails & prisons than behind church pulpits. "NORML will definitely be non-traditional like me. Don't get me wrong, I love our history and heritage as Christians! However, the Gospel trancends tradition and culture. Jesus Christ didn't die to transform us from tshirts & jeans to suits and neckties. He redeemed us from our sins. That powerful message of the cross is just as much for ganstas and goths as it is for religious people." God has big plans for NORML, but for now young people are invited for small group fellowship on Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the church. Download the flyer here. (PDF)
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